MONOPOLY ντοκιμαντέρ

Ένα ντοκιμαντέρ για την οικονομία του σύγχρονου κόσμου

MONOPOLY - Who owns the world?


Rumble This brilliant documentary by Tim Gielen reveals how a small group of super rich criminals have been buying virtually everything on earth, until they own it all. From media, health care, travel, food industry, governments... That allows them to control the whole world. Because of this they are trying to impose the New World Order.

Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, ...

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Απόπειρα εγκατάστασης Ανεμολογικού Ιστού στο Κάδι, θέση Τούρλα. Μέρα 2η - 21/5/2024 >Α.Τα έργα

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